What is the Reference Thinking Retreat?
The Level 5 course consists of two parts. First, the coaches will do a 12-month online course followed by the 5-day course which takes place at one of the European top clubs. During the online course coaches will develop their Reference Thinking (thinking based on objective references) in general and will develop a new football concept in particular. This process will take place in 6 phases of 2 months each. During the 5-day course coaches will deliver their new football concept to the other coaches. They will receive and give feedback on the new football concepts of their colleagues. Also, the coaches will apply the principles of their new football concept during practical sessions.
What will you learn?
Besides developing new football concepts, coaches will also practice to reflect on current objective football reference and ask themselves the question whether these football references are indeed as objective as one currently thinks they are. In other words, is your subjective football application top-down influenced by real objective football references or are you (unconsciously) subjectively applying subjective football references after all? And are you able to critically analyze new objective football references or are you easily convinced by subjective narrative if the first impression is logical and easy to understand (cognitive ease)?
What is the program?
Phase 1 (month 1-2): PDC19 reflection
- Coaches will reflect on how they have experienced the Personal Development Course. What have they learned from their own reflections as well as from the feedback from the others?
- Coaches will present and discuss their reflections with Raymond Verheijen (RV) during a 1on1 online session.
- Have they become more conscious of their unconscious brain (library of life) in general and it’s influence on the subjective football application in particular?
Phase 2 (month 3-4): Theorising current Football Concepts
- Coaches study and describe the process of how RV has developed either the Football Periodisation concept, Football Braining concept or Football Coach Evolution concept.
- This task will be zero point measurement of the coaches’ Reference Thinking abilities.
- Coaches present the outcome of their Reference Thinking to RV during an online presentation.
- Coaches will receive feedback from RV on their Reference Thinking ability.
Phase 3 (month 5-6): Theorising book(s) of expert(s)
- Coaches choose their football related field of expertise in which they would like to develop a new objective football reference/concept.
- Coaches select their objective knowledge sources which they will use to develop their new concept.
- Coaches will 1) read one or more books in the chosen football related field of expertise, 2) theorise the objective knowledge references from the book(s) and 3) turn these objective knowledge references into objective football references.
- Coaches present this outcome of their Reference Thinking process to RV.
- Coaches present the first version of their new football concept during an online presentation.
Phase 4 (month 7-8): Theorising lecture(s) of expert(s)
- Coaches will 1) watch/visit one or more lecture(s)in the chosen football related field of expertise, 2) theorise the lessons learned from the lecture(s) into objective knowledge references and 3) turn these objective knowledge references into objective football references.
- Coaches present this outcome of their Reference Thinking process to RV.
- Coaches present an updated version of their new football concept during an online presentation.
Phase 5 (month 9-10): Theorising conversation(s) with expert(s)
- Coaches will meet one or more experts in the chosen football related field of expertise, 2) theorise the lessons learned from the meeting(s) into objective knowledge references and 3) turn these objective knowledge references into objective football references.
- Coaches present this outcome of their Reference Thinking process to RV.
- Coaches present an updated version of their new football concept during an online presentation.
Phase 6 (month 11-12): Presentation of the first concept of new football reference
- Coaches deliver an online presentation about the principles of their new football reference.
- Coaches will receive feedback from RV on their presentation based on which they will develop an updated version of their new football concept which they will present during the Reference Thinking Retrait in 2020.