What is periodisation?
In the last few years the term periodisation has been a buzzword. A lot of people are talking about periodisation but not everyone seems to understand what it really means. There are a lot of different interpretations of what football periodisation means and how it can contribute to developing players. In this blog I will try to create some clarity and to falsify some of the current believes.
Planning to maximise training effect
First of all, the term
Periodisation is not fitness training
Many people associate the term periodisation with fitness. As if it is another word for the same phenomenon. But it is not. Football periodisation means the periodisaton of all football activities and not just the planning of football fitness training. It is the planning of tactical games, position games, passing exercises, football fitness games amongst other exercises. Based on the principles of football periodisation a coach can balance the training load between these exercises within sessions and between the sessions.
Just a tool and not a rule
During a football
Independent of whatever principle every coach has to plan and balance his training anyway. Now what do you prefer? Plan your sessions based on just your subjective opinion or based on several objective principles you can trust? Asking the question is answering the question. So, the principles of football periodisation are just tools to structure your training program. And even when you have to compromise some of these principles the glass is still half full. Some structure is still better than no structure.
One size fits all?
The football
No periodisation in youth football?
In youth